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Battlefield Bad Company 2 Killz

Was on an 18 player server today and got a few kills.
Nothing sus.



wot a hax!!!!!

love that map

for long matches and lots of kills, never quite that many though. lol

im more

impresed that deadite could upload a photo to flikr and then the site……


u get called hax on u?


I did get asked what setup i use though.. didn’t know what he meant


must of had a shit load of medics reviving and what the fk was the rest of your team doing.

I could have planted

so many times on the last objectives but decided not to so I could get more kills haha. The other team ended up winning because of that.
Oh, and no vehicles were used of course. Vehicles are the devil, bobby.

well they

sitting on the hill with a sniper rifle,just like deadite…..

Microman's picture


Jesus! That’s a few…

I’m more surprised you were possessed to open that bad game…

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